Integral Irrigation and Reinforced Macrotunnel Greenhouse Project in Huelva experimental farm

Integral Irrigation and Reinforced Macrotunnel Greenhouse Project in Huelva experimental farm Huelva (Spain) Sanjorge is immersed in the intermediate phase of a new integral project, consisting of the manufacture and installation of a reinforced Macrotunel greenhouse and a fertigation head in a mobile house assembled to a maritime container, located in an experimental farm in…

Fertigation Head Installation Project experimental field province of Huelva

Fertigation Head Installation Project experimental field province of Huelva Spain   New water project carried out in an experimental camp in the province of Huelva, consisting of the installation of a fertilization head composed of a medida table with cultivation requirements, with 8 fertilization channels, Venturi injection system and a deposit for PH regulation, in…

Olive grove Project

Olive grove Project Spain Project consisting of the assembly of a pumping station for the planting of 600 hectares of olive trees. Pumping stations are structures or sets of structures that aim to pump water into a storage network or into a distribution network. Whatever your need it for, a pumping station can be the…

Irrigation network

Irrigation network Portugal Project consisting of the assembly of an irrigation network for 1,200 hectares of olive grove. Drip irrigation is today the only and best tool to achieve sustainable and efficient irrigation. Drip irrigation, but more specifically, our specialization in drippers and pipes integrated with self-compensating drippers, allows us to irrigate crops taking care…